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1)需要护照原件/复印件 ICARD照片2)有9g但是已降签:2-3周3)有9g未降签:3-4周
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提升警报列表 (POGO) 的要求: 1. 信函请求 - 专员 NORMAN G. TANSINGCO 2. 复印护照简历 3. 复制新的签证实施印章 4. 复制 ICARD 5. 复制 AEP 6. 其他证明他/她不是为之工作的证明文件 已取消许可证的 POGO。

MAGALLANES DRIVE,INTRAMLIROS1002 MANILAOPERATIONS ORDER NO.2022-0 04 GUIDELINES IN THE IMPLEMENTATIONOF ALERTLIST ORDER NO.2022-001-POGOAT THE MAIN OFFICE,SATELLITE OFFICES AND SUB-PORT OFFICESPursuant to Section 3 of Commonwealth Act No.613 (Philippine Immigration Act of 1940),as amended,and in order to systematically enforce Alertlist Order No.2022- 001-POGO in all intemational ports of entry/exit,the following are hereby ordered:1.COVERAGE.This Operations Order shall cover the 48,782 foreigners generated by the Alien Registration Division who worked with companies whose POGO licenses were cancelled by PAGCOR from 2016 up to6 October 2022.These foreigners were included in the Bureau's alertlist under Alertlist number 2022-001-POGO for monitoring purposes.For reference,the list of Cancelled POGO licenses is hereto attached as Annex A.2.VISA EXTENSION.A foreigner who appears in the alertlist during tourist visaextension shall be proceeded as follows:A.If a foreign national's latest arival is under temparary visitor visa under Section 9(a) or visa free entry under EO 408,subject shall be allowed to extend his stay.The Tourist Visa Section(TVS) and Alien Control Officer(ACO)shall prepare a report to be forwarded to the Legal Division and Office of the Commissioner for Lifting of the Alertlist.B.If a foreign national files an application for extension after a previous downgrading order,the TVS or ACO shall ascertain whether their Immediate petitioner is inciuded in the list of cancelled POGO licenses. If the previous immediate petitioner is not included or other than those in the list of cancelled POGO licenses,subject shall be allowed to extend. The Tourist Visa Section(TVS)and Alien Control Officer (ACO) shall prepare a report to be forwarded to the Legal Division and Office of the Commissioner for Lifting of the Alertlist.If the previous immediate petitioner is included in the list of cancelled POGO licenses,the TVS or ACO shall refer the application for extension to the Legal Division for issuance of Order to Leave and inclusion in the Blacklist.3.DOWNGRADING.A foreign national who appears in the alertlist for visa downgrading shall be proceeded as follows:11 N07.70228:4 P6TRIOTISM·INTEGRITY·PROFESSIONALISM

III.The Legal Division shall allow the filing of applications for extension of foreign nationals not included in the list of POGO companies listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses. IV.The Legal Division shall deny the filing ofapplications for conversion of the following foreign nationals:1.Foreign nationals who previously entered the country under the Visa Upon Arrival;2.Holders of temporary visitor visa under Section 9(a) or visa free entry foreign nationals under EO 408 who applied for SWP/PWP with a POGO company listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses from the date of his latest arrival up to the date of filing of the application for conversion;3.Holders of temporary visitor visa under Section 9(a) or visa free entry foreign nationals under EO 408 who applied for SWP/PWP with a POGO company listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses from the date of his latest downgrading up to the date of filing of the application for conversion;and4.The foreign national's former Petitioner in his immediate previous downgraded visa is included in the list of POGO company listed in the PAGCOR's llst of cancelled licenses.They shall be ordered to leave within sbxty(60)days and included in the blacklist.5.VISA IMPLEMENTATION.The Office of the Board Secretary shall allow the implementation of visa of forelgn nationals whose previous petitioner company and present petitioner company are not included in the list of POGO companies listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses.All applications of foreign nationals shall be denied implementation if their immediate previous petitioner company or present petitioner company is included in the list of POGO company listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses. These applications shall be referred to the Legal Division for cancellation of their visas,issuance of order to leave and inclusion in the blacklist.6.REPORTS.All reports from the TVS,ACO,IRD and OBS shall be forwarded to the Legal Division copy furmished the Office of the Commissioner.The Legal Division shall prepare the appropriate order for approval of the Commissioner within Seventy-Two(72)hours from receipt of the reports.

A.If the foreigner present themselves for downgrading with a working visa for a POGO company other than those listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses,ACO or IRD shall allow the downgrading of the foreigner and prepare a report to be forwarded to the Legal Division and Office of the Commissioner for Lifting of the Alertlist.B.If the foreign national present themselves for downgrading with a working visa in a POGO company listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses,the ACO or IRD shall refer the matter to the Legal Division for issuance of Order to Leave and indusion in the Blacklist.4.VISA CONVERSION OR EXTENSIONA foreign national who is included in the alertist and wishes to convert/extend their temporary visitor visa under Section 9(a)or visa free entry under EO 408 to any other visa category shall file their applications at the BI Main Office and shall be proceeded as follows:A.The Central Receiving Unit shall refer all applications of foreign nationals included in the alertlist for conversion to the Legal Division for initial evaluation prior to filing.B.The Legal Division shall evaluate the applications based on the following:I.The Legal Division may allow the filing of applications for conversion for those recently admitted under temporary visitor visa under Section 9(a)and visa free entry under EO 408,provided:a)The foreign national's latest departure is prior to 19 September 2022.b)The foreign national's latest arrival is under temporary visitor visa under Section 9(a) or visa free entry under EO 408;andc)The foreign national did not apply for SWP/PWP with a POGO comparny listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses from the date of his latest arrival up to the date of filing of the application for conversion.II.The Legal Division may allow the filing of applications for conversion for those foreign nationals who has recently downgraded their previous visa and currently a holder of a temporary visitor visa under Section 9(a),provided:a)The foreign national's former Petitioner in his immediate previous downgraded visa is not in the list of POGO company listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses;andb)The foreign national did not apply for SWP/PWP with a POGO company listed in the PAGCOR's list of cancelled licenses from the date of his latest downgrading up to the date of filing of the appllication for conversion.

7.LIFTING OF ALERTLIST.Considering that the inclusion in the alertlist is a mere tool to monitor those employees of companies with PAGCOR cancelled POGO licenses,the filing of requests for lifting of alertiist shall be done at the BI Main Office without assessment and payment of fees.8.EFFECTIVITY.This Order shall take effect immediately upon publication in a newspaper of general circulation.Let a copy of this Order be furmished to the Office of the National Registrar(ONAR),U.P.Law Center,University of the Philippines, Diliman,Quezon City.SO ORDERED. 16 NOV 20220 NORMN/G.NSINGCO sionerpCAmml